Monday, June 17, 2013

Really, really mad...

I adore and over-abuse the iTunes Playlist feature, matching songs to invoke specific times, places or feelings, collecting them by tone, time, colour, mood and tempo. So when I hit a distinctly low point earlier this month, I turned to my trusty iPod for help: close my eyes, shut out the world, and put the "Feelgood" playlist on loud. But... it wasn't working. And listening to some of my favourite tracks with hollow lack of connection was making things worse.

Salvation - raising an involuntary and unexpected smile - came randomly from my back catalogue of telly theme tunes. Which is why my Monday starter for ten is this:

Murray Gold's Theme from Queer As Folk, which is available for download from Amazon:
Turns out, I'm a sucker for an insane heavenly choral intro, deliciously seguing into a jaunty guitar riff, overlaid with what sounds suspiciously like a spaceship taking off before dropping into the heady tropical steel drums of a Caribbean club night. All of which, apparently, screams Manchester in the dying days of the 20th century. 
Sounds outrageous, doesn't it?  Well, it bloody well is. And that's even before you factor in the intertwined voices of Vince and Nathan, which rather detract from the ridiculously infectious tune which is already taking hold of your brain...
"I spent all night chasing after some bloke who turns out to be mad. Like, really mad."

Okay Vince, so tell us, just how mad was this bloke then?

"He had every episode of Juliet Bravo on tape..." *

And that was the least of it: Stuart also had his very own K9. I hardly know anyone personally who is quite THAT mad.
And so, somewhat unexpectedly, this 3 minutes and 54 seconds of gloriously camp insanity were finally enough to snap me out of my gloom.  

Postscript: It's almost exactly a year since I first drafted this entry...  Life is happier now, and at last I have the time to actually try to make this blog work...  Let's see how it goes. 
*Just six years later, Stuart would be able to upgrade buy and own Series 1-5 of Juliet Bravo on lovely shiny DVD. Alas, he'd have to wait a further two years to complete his collection with Series 6. (And yes Dan Hall, I am giving you a Paddington Bear hard stare...)

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Getting started...

Being rescued from a very dark place last week by the slightly insane four minutes of a telly theme tune seems an excellent starting point for this blog, which has been lurking on my burgeoning To Do list for months. I've been sitting on this domain since December, when I first had the idea of creating a place to share random, invariably small and yet significant ways in which you can remind yourself that maybe life doesn't suck quite as much as Monday mornings might make you think it does.

So yes, I really, really would have rather not gone through the tears and angsty despair bit that precipitated this particular example, but it is (a) proof positive and (b) has meant that I was moved to write something down, and finally get this thing up and running...  

Watch this space...